杭州市公安局地址 浙江杭州市公安局地址

杭州市公安局地址 浙江杭州市公安局地址

What is the address of Hangzhou Public Security Bureau?

Hangzhou Public Security Bureau is located in the city of Hangzhou in the province of Zhejiang. The exact address is:

Where is the location of Hangzhou Public Security Bureau?

The address of Hangzhou Public Security Bureau is No. 1, Jiefang Road, Shangcheng District, Hangzhou, Zhejiang, China.

What can I find at Hangzhou Public Security Bureau?

At the Hangzhou Public Security Bureau, you can find a variety of services related to public safety and security. These include services related to identification cards, criminal investigations, traffic management, and other areas related to law enforcement.

How can I get to Hangzhou Public Security Bureau?

If you are in Hangzhou, you can take a taxi or a bus to get to the Hangzhou Public Security Bureau. The bureau is located in the city center and is easily accessible by public transportation.

What are the business hours of Hangzhou Public Security Bureau?

The business hours of Hangzhou Public Security Bureau are from Monday to Friday, from 8:30 AM to 5:00 PM.

Is it necessary to make an appointment before visiting Hangzhou Public Security Bureau?

It is not necessary to make an appointment before visiting Hangzhou Public Security Bureau, but it is recommended to call ahead to make sure that the services you need are available and to avoid long waits.

What do I need to prepare before my visit to Hangzhou Public Security Bureau?

Before your visit to the Hangzhou Public Security Bureau, you should prepare all relevant documents and information related to the service you need. You may also need to bring your identification card or passport for verification purposes.

Is there anything I need to be aware of when visiting Hangzhou Public Security Bureau?

When visiting Hangzhou Public Security Bureau, you should be aware of the rules and regulations related to public safety and security. You should also be patient and respectful to the staff and other visitors at the bureau.

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